Central Atlantic States

District of Columbia, Maryland, Delaware and New Jersey
Note:  This is not a legal document; this is the most recent copy of the law that I could find.  It is not to be used for any more then information purposes nor should it be used for legal advice. 


Chapter 4, Title 7, § 707 Home manufacture of beer or wine for personal consumption.
(a) No license or special permit shall be required for the manufacture within homes, or other premises used in connection therewith, of beer in quantities of 200 gallons or less during any calendar year, or wine in quantities of 200 gallons or less during any calendar year, for the personal consumption only of the homeowner(s), their families or their guests; provided however, that such beer or wine shall not be offered for sale.
(b) Such beer or wine, when manufactured and used as set forth above, shall not be subject to any taxes imposed by the Liquor Control Act.
(c) Beer and wine manufactured pursuant to this section may be removed from the home and transported for personal or family use, and in addition may be transported for the purposes of participating in club-sponsored events and tasting competitions.
(d) Notwithstanding any other provision in this chapter or title, concentrated alcoholic beverages are not "home-manufactured beer or wine" for purposes of this section, and all Commissioner regulations and tax requirements concerning home-manufactured beer or wine shall not apply to concentrated alcoholic beverages. (4 Del. C. 1953, § 712; 59 Del. Laws, c. 107, § 54; 65 Del. Laws, c. 50, § 4; 67 Del. Laws, c. 109, § 19; 71 Del. Laws, c. 315, § 2; 72 Del. Laws, c. 486, § 11.)
The statute is pretty straight forward and clear, homebrewing and/or transport of homebrew is legal provided it is not for sale.

District of Columbia


Code DC ST §25-906 says "tax or fee exemption from regulation is the same as the federal laws of the United States," so homebrewing is permitted but restricted to ABV of 14% or less.

The Statute

Maryland statute Article 2B, §1 provides a license or permit is not required for the manufacture of family beer exclusively for home consumption, competition, or use in a licensed national family wine exhibition and not for sale.


This statute enables the production of beer for home consumption without license or permit.
New Jersey


§33:1-75 allows for the production of wine or malt alcoholic beverages in the home by persons over the age of 21, free from state excise tax. 
Homebrewed beer and wine makers no longer need to get a state permit to practice their hobby was eliminated in January 2012.  Federal production limits apply.

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